Friday, 20 August 2010

Diana Thompson's Pictures!

Here are Diana's fabulous photographs from the Big Bum Jumble. You can see more of her work at

Read accounts of the BBJ on PocketRocketFashion and Plus Size Beauty too!

Wednesday, 18 August 2010


There are still a few badges left. Want one? Send your postal address to and we'll send you one.

How was it for you?

Kay Hyatt, our esteemed BBJ leader, organiser, chief and house model reflects on the day.

How did it go?

It was a great success! More than 100 people came and everyone seemed really happy with their swag on the way out. The main thing that I wanted to achieve was a feeling of bounty and choice, rather than the usual fat shopping experience of scarcity and expense. I had some feedback from one shopper who said how great it was to pick through the jumble to find things she liked rather than just to find the things that fitted.

The venue turned out to be the perfect size for the amount of stuff we had and the number of people who came. The staff were super friendly and helpful too. It was really great to have a theatre space in terms of the catwalk show, which was an absolute triumph. So great to have backstage areas for hair and makeup and also to be able to have dramatic stage lighting.

It was also great in terms of building community, I saw new friendships being forged and old ones rekindled all over the place. This aspect was really great for me too, in the time before the Jumble, not just on the day. I’m really happy to have a new gang of fabulous fatties to do stuff with in the future.

What was the atmosphere like?

It was a really amazing atmosphere. Right at the beginning, we were pretty swamped with shoppers and that slowed down later in the day but whether it was a busy or a quiet time, whenever I went round the Jumble it seemed to be full of people having a good time. I think that having so many opportunities to get a bargain kept everyone happy and the ambient stuff of the Bops fantastic deejaying (they did a five hour set, can you believe it?) and the slide show Charlotte Cooper made really turned it into something more special.

How did it compare to the Fat Girl Flea, the event that inspired you to put on the Jumble?

It was different to the Flea for me but mostly because I was working not shopping! I think the same feeling of bounty was present at both events. At the Flea, I think there was more of a sense of a pre-existing community but at the Jumble, it was like we were all new to it and to each other. I think I heard a lot more people saying ‘wow, this is an amazing idea’ at the Jumble than I did at the Fat Girl Flea because the Flea has been around for a while, but I think the Big Bum Jumble is the first ever such event in the UK.

What would you have done differently with hindsight?

I’d have had a better strategy for dealing with press and with creeps. We had a lot of last minute press attention and it was hard for me to get them to back off. I wanted press to promote the event in advance, not turn up on the day to take photos of us that they could then sell on as headless fatties. I had one creepy guy with a camera come too. He was a fat admirer and had come to the Jumble to hook up, I think. I was too nice to him and he took some liberties. I’m sorry if he took them with you.

I’d also spend less time flyering and more time on other forms of publicity. Though flyering on the day was a good use of time, in advance it didn’t add much compared to the effort and time it took.

I’d have also had a better plan for dealing with the leftover jumble. I’m still drowning under it in my house.

Finally, I wish I’d spent more time just enjoying the atmosphere and hanging out with friends. And more dancing to the Bops' music.

What were the highlights of the day for you?

The fashion show. What a sight it was. My eyes! I felt so awed by how incredible everyone looked. That John William really knows how to dress people! And at how brave all the volunteer models were, some of whom had no experience and some who only got roped in on the day. I was a bit anxious beforehand, because it came on late and I was worried about people getting fed-up waiting, but I don’t think anyone regretted the wait once it started. I loved abandoning my post at the door and running in to sit at the front and scream and whoop the whole way through. Just fantastic.

Did you find a Nudie Suit in the end?

No, still no Nudie Suit for me, but I have some nice new smart clothes for my new job, some cute new t shirts and at the last minute by find of the day, my 1992 Status Quo tour sweatshirt that fits me like a dream.

What advice do you have for other people thinking of putting on a Big Bum Jumble?

  • Don’t underestimate how much work it is. I started in mid-May but still felt like I needed another month to do it all right.
  • Don’t underestimate the effect on your real life of organising an event like this. Be kind to your loved ones.
  • Don’t underestimate how much work it takes to publicise an event. We did loads of stuff, only a fraction of which turned into real coverage.
  • Be specific about what you want help with and directly ask people to do certain jobs.
  • Individual pricing of stuff is a drag. If you can go for blanket pricing policies it is much easier.
  • Work out what to do with the leftovers in advance!

Will you do another one?

Yes, I reckon, but I think I need at least a year off.

What's next for you?

I’m still working on the Jumble for a while, tying up the many loose ends. After that, I think I’d like to start building some momentum towards the 2012 Fattylympics. I have made some connections with some paralympians who are interested in doing something whilst organising the Jumble. I’d like to do some local small scale projects that are about trying out activities. A fat swim is probably the easiest thing to organise but I’m keen on having a go at trampolining. Big Bum Bounce, anyone?

What else would you like to say?

The hugest of thank yous to everyone who came and shopped, everyone who helped in endless ways on the day and in advance, everyone who gave me their clothes. None of it could have happened without you.

How was it for you? Write to us at and tell us about your day at the Big Bum Jumble.

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Want More?

If you liked the Big Bum Jumble and are interested in getting involved with more fat activist stuff then you may be interested in a two-day Fat Studies seminar that is taking place in London on 18 and 19 November 2010. The venue and details are yet to be announced, but you can find out more about the series on the ESRC-funded Fat Studies and Health At Every Size website.

Jumbling All Over the World

Over the past couple of months, the Big Bum Jumble blog has been visited by thousands of people. Here's a map of the places where people have visited from around the world. There's a big concentration in Europe, and on the US coasts, but there are also a surprising number of visitors from other places too. This could easily mean that there's a hunger for events like the Big Bum Jumble all over the place.

Here's a more detailed map of the cities and places where there has been interest in the Big Bum Jumble in the UK.

We don't know if we'll do another one, we might, but there's nothing to stop you from putting on a similar event yourself. Why not go for it? We're really happy to share the skills and knowledge we've built whilst organising this event, you don't necessarily have to go it alone.

As we've organised the Jumble we've heard people say things like: "Things like that always happen in London and never near where I live." But things happen here because we've put them on ourselves. Similar bigger or smaller events could happen anywhere. Maybe you live near one of the dots on the map, if so there might be someone near you who would also like to get together to swap clothes, meet-up, or put on a bigger event. Wouldn't that be amazing?

First pics in, better ones to come

I took some poor quality pictures, which seems to be a trend for me. Anyway, they give you a tiny idea of what it's like. There are no pictures here for the fashion show because I was in it. Better pics will come soon, and if you took photographs we'd love to see them. Sorry about the cheesy captions, I couldn't resist.

Arriving with bags o' Jumble
Tom finds a treat

Bill's beautiful signage
Time for a quick rummage before it all kicks off
Getting ready for a stint at the station
Two pounds please, and would you like a badge?
Loading up the Denim Bar
Nearly there
Jumblers doing what they do best
Ooh la la corsetry
T-shirts and denim are popular
Busy times at the check-out
The Bops keep everyone'e energy up with their righteous sounds
Just one last pick-through
All done, time to go home

Big Bum Thanks

Gigantic, fat, big bum thanks go to the following people for making the Big Bum Jumble happen. We love you. If your name isn't here it is because we are fried. Please get in touch and we'll add it asap.

Max Airborne
Jackie Barnett
Stacy Bias
Ruth Bop
Tamsin Bop
Louise Carolin
Vicki Chalklin
Miranda Cheesman
Dwayne Cobham
Stephen Collins
Charlotte Cooper
Sharon Curtis
Jade Desumala
Lauren Ding
Kelli Dunham
Kat Elvin
Elena Escalera
Fat Girl Flea
Chopin Gard
Ben Gooch
Julia De Gruchy
Beth Hardisty
Katy Hathaway
Holly Hessinger
Felicity Heyward
Pauline Hilton
Margo Howie
Stuart Howitt
Kay Hyatt
Rae Jenkin
Rebecca Kemp
Sue Kofi and Pat
Marion Labrum
Amy Lamé
Catrin Lewis
Deb Malkin and Re/Dress NYC
Jenny McLaren
Lauren Meow Strickland
Simon Murphy
London Borough of Newham
Newham Magazine
Newham Recorder
Siobhan Owen
Amanda Piasecki
The Pocket Rocket
Emma Purvis
Alison Quinn
Johanna Robinson
Bill Savage
Donna Savage
Nicholas Smith
Sinister Mary Clarence
Liz Sterne RIP
Nicola Sterne
Stratford Circus
Simone Stumpf
Bea Sweet
Diana Thompson
Corinna Tomrley
Tom O’Tottenham
Meryl Trussler
Jamie Wildman
Ceri Wilkinson
John William
Pippa Willitts
Gary Wilson
Mike Wyeld
Stacy Wyrd Rock
And everyone who helped and encouraged!

Saturday, 14 August 2010

It was beautiful

Thanks everyone! More soon, but we're just too knackered now. Time for a cup of tea and a sit down.

Aaaaand here's another one

Ooh look, we're in the Daily Mail too, and they didn't say anything mean about us either. They did pigeonhole us as 'Size Zero Campaigners' which is not where we're at, we think bodies of all sizes are fine and are not campaigning to have anything banned. Still, how thrilling to know that people will be reading about rad fatties over their cornflakes and toast this morning.

Check out the boxed text on this article: Mission Fatshion

Friday, 13 August 2010

Taking over the media one newspaper at a time

Ooh look, we're mentioned in the Standard. It looks like it may well be busy tomorrow!

The Big Bum Jumble is Tomorrow, Please Come!

It's tomorrow! Please come and help make the Jumble a success. We're dying to see you!
Here are some things you should bring:
  • Money, but if you don't have much then you don't need much because most things will be £1
  • Friends
  • Bags so that you can carry your swag home
  • Your sense of humour and, if you feel like it, fashion adventurousness
That's it! We're in a tizzy getting last-minute things done, but we'll see you at the grand opening tomorrow at midday. The first 100 people through the door get a free and exclusive BBJ badge, yeah!

Look What Came In: The Last Cardy

It's the final Look What Came In. People can bring Jumble tomorrow, but for now all the stuff that's come in has been sorted and tried-on, and checked and prodded and poked. Big Bum Jumble HQ is packed with laundry bags of clothing that will be man-hauled to Stratford Circus tomorrow and laid out ready for you. Our job is done. It's all been done and come in.

So here's the last cardy. It's proper vintage, about a size 18-20, and would look good on anyone. Again, our house model has teamed it with y-fronts and nipples, but you might want to wear it with a tweed skirt, lederhosen, sequinned maxi-skirt, a three-foot fascinator, or anything else you damn well please.

Come and get it at the Jumble tomorrow. This cardy is waiting for you.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

5 reasons why you should come to the Big Bum Jumble

Like you need an excuse.

1. The clothes
If you are fat you will find clothes that will fit you and make you look fantastic, and all for cheap too. If you are fat you will know that this rarely happens, plus-sized clothes are usually overpriced and difficult to find. So many different styles and types of clothes have been donated that you are bound to find something you like. You won't have to pinch yourself, you will not be dreaming.

2. The atmosphere
We've been working hard to make the Jumble a friendly, welcoming, playful place for everyone. There will be music, refreshments, a fashion show, stalls, and countless opportunities to try things on, make friends, or drink tea. It's going to be lovely!

3. The Rad Fatties
You want to know where you can meet rad fatties in the UK? Perhaps you want to find Your People. They will be here.

4. The culture
By coming to the Big Bum Jumble, you will be supporting future projects like it. Anyone of any size can do this. The Big Bum Jumble organisers want to help create and develop non-profit communities and events that support fat pride, Health At Every Size, Fat Studies, fat activism, fatshion, and body liberation in general. We want to have fun whilst we're doing it. We think this stuff is really worthwhile and can help us all live good lives.

5. The politics
We're not interested in shoving our politics down anyone's face, you can take them or leave them and it's fine if you want to come along and buy a jumper and let that be it.

However, we also think that fashion is political; we're interested in how clothes are made and sold, who buys them, how they are bought and why, and the affiliate industries that support the fashion business. We want to see these ideas develop. Big Bum Jumble is about messing around with clothes, a pleasure that is often denied fat people, and we think that getting together and concocting a feast of second hand clothes is a way of disrupting destructive beliefs such as the idea that only some people can look great or are worthy. We want people of all sizes to feel good in their bodies, playing with clothes helps you do that, and it's easy to take a fashion risk at the Jumble because everything is so cheap. We also think that it's better for the environment to reuse and recycle things, including the stuff we wear, and that it helps us create alternatives to consumerism. So there.

Please come!

Free stuff!

Remember the badges? The first 100 people to come to the Big Bum Jumble with get one for free! That is no lie! First come first served, when they're gone, they're gone.

Entry to the Big Bum Jumble costs £2 or £1 concessions. However, you can get in for nothing if:
  • You are under 16 years old
  • You bring a Jumble donation on the day of three things or more
  • You have already donated Jumble (your name will be on the door)
  • You have volunteered on the Jumble and helped us out
  • You really can't afford the entry fee

Embroidered Merch Available

Our pals at have produced Big Bum Jumble embroidered merch for your delectation.

The pique polo shirt that Big Bum house model Kay is wearing in the picture, is red, cute and costs £12. Get in touch if you would like to buy one, there are loads of colours and sizes available.

Other things can be embroidered with the girly logo, designed by Meryl Trussler, to order too, for example t-shirts, workwear, anything. Prices vary, so please drop us a line at

By the way, you could do a lot worse than to mosey over to There's a big sales room out in the wilds of Essex, or you can buy things online.

Tee hee!

Look What Came In: The Summer of Love

I think this smock-like top/dress/thing could be regarded as the sister-garment to the Far Out Top. Innit wild?! Wearing this thing makes you want to skip around the park like an extra from Hair. Check out the Age of Aquarius on Youtube for moves, you can't help but have some kind of mystic crystal revelation in so much purple paisley. It would also suit any kind of street theatre endeavour or Tai Chi scenario.

Size 26-ish, though we are thoroughly through with labels by this stage. It's yours if you can squeeze yourself into it.

Come and get it on Saturday!

Bill Savage's Jumble Facts #3

In this final tidbit of Jumble History, Bill reveals the hidden facts* behind an otherwise unassuming pair of shoes.

This pair of handsome brogue style shoes have been donated to the Big Bum Jumble by an anonymous donor who has at last realised that she will probably never achieve her dream of indie-pop stardom. Bought to emulate the lead singer of a second-rate late 90s female-fronted indie band these shoes were worn to band rehearsals, gigs and festivals for many years, the subtle heel giving the owner a much needed lift to see over the shoulders of lanky fanboys. As the 90s drew to a close, stout leather footwear fell out of favour in indie circles, and the 2000s heralded the ubiquity of the Converse sneaker. Our donor  couldn’t bear to part with her trusty gig-shoes though, and they lurked at the back of her wardrobe, waiting for the Britpop revival that never came. Finally, aged 36 she has made peace with her lost rock’n’roll past and has cleansed her soul and her wardrobe by donating them to us.

The shoes are a size 7 and in no way smell like Camden on a Saturday night.

*Which may need to be verified by an independent expert.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Look What Came In: PJs

Phew! Not long to go now. This week has been a frenzy of Jumbling, as you can imagine, and Saturday is likely to be both fantastic and exhausting. Come Sunday we'll all be crashed out in our pyjamas. Luckily, a super-sweet pair of pyjama bottoms has come in. I'm calling them PJs but you could wear them wherever you like, though maybe not out in a snowstorm. They have a girly cat and heart design.

They are too big for our house model, but would look excellent on someone who can work a size 6XL. They're made by our esteemed friend Bertha Pearl of Size Queen Clothing and have been worn by some of the most notorious fat activists of California. If only these PJs could talk...

Come and get 'em on Saturday.

Good news

We are grateful to Newham council, who have have awarded the Big Bum Jumble a small Go For It grant to cover some of the event's costs. Look! Local government supporting fat-friendly community! Amazing!

Monday, 9 August 2010

Look What Came In: Vintage Dressiness

Here's more proof that, from the dawn of the atomic age until about 1995, all plus-sized clothes were made of artificial fibres. Fat women must have been a sweaty bunch. Despite the risk that it might give you a rash if you wear it on a hot day, this dress is pretty cute eh? The label says something like 16 or 18, but it looks good stretched onto a size 22. There are a few tiny holes on the seams, but they could be easily sewn up. I don't know how to describe the pattern, it's not quite flowery, not quite geometric, it sort of defies categorisation and gets quite hypnotic after you stare at it for a while.

It's also a good dress to wear if you are looking to start a fight, as our Big Bum Jumble house model Kay is showing here with her belligerent stare and assertive stance. Don't mess with anyone in this frock.

Anyway, grab it on the 14th if you can! It deserves a good home.

Look Who Went Out

London Rollergirl Sinister Mary Clarence did the Big Bum Jumble proud this weekend by embarking on a heroic journey from London to Newcastle-upon-Tyne to pick up a mega-donation of clothes from an extremely lovely and big-hearted Big Bum Jumble fan. Fact fans, this is a journey of 600 miles (plus an excursion to Lincoln to do a bit of skating yes, the gal's got stamina), driven entirely in a Nissan Micra, powered by Red Bull and Capital Gold. Can we get a handclap?

Part of the Newcastle haul, socks drying on radiator not included
In return SMC asked only that she could make an appearance on the blog, though for important security reasons her true identity must remain a mystery.

So here she is, modelling treats from the Newcastle haul, channelling Stevie Nicks in sequins, tie-dye, a generous tiered peasant skirt, and suede boots, plus super-furry duffle. Pink is not SMC's typical spirit-colour, but I'm sure you agree that she works this ensemble well.

Friday, 6 August 2010

Exciting news

Big Bum Jumble got a mention in The Newham Magazine - it's  all high life all the time here, baybee! They used the word 'bootylicious' in the article too. Very good.

Look What Came In: Something Very Smart

This is the suit for you if you have no fear of appearing dapper, urbane, suave or debonair. If you are a cad it would work for you too. It is not an appropriate outfit for mud wrestling or potholing, but it would do you very well if you had to go to a wedding where someone you love is marrying someone quite unsuitable, or a job interview where you have made many misleading claims about your skills and experience.

It's about a size 22-24-ish, and made of some linen-type thing.

Practical Stuff about the Big Bum Jumble

Big Bum Jumble is being held in Circus 2 at Stratford Circus, 12-5pm, Saturday 14 August 2010.

View Larger Map

Stratford Circus is about a five minute walk from Stratford Station, less if you hurry. You can either:
a) Come out of the station, turn left up Great Eastern Road, and cross over at Theatre Square, through the big round arch opposite the Theatre Royal. Stratford Circus is to the left, behind the Picture House cinema.
b) Come out of the station, walk through the shopping centre and take the left mall when you get to the central area. Walk towards Peacocks and keep going out the other side and up the ramp. Stratford Circus is to the right, past the Theatre Royal and opposite the Picture House cinema.

Public transport
Stratford is on the Central and Jubilee lines, the Overground, and some British Rail lines into and out of Liverpool Street Station. Lots of buses stop at Stratford Station. Use the Journeyplanner to work out a route.

There are several options, all of which will cost a little money:
a) Limited parking in Crescent Road by Stratford Circus.
b) Multi-Storey carpark above Stratford Mall, take care not to get lost in the one-way system
c) Morrisons car park on The Grove
d) Chance it in the surrounding streets

Circus Eats will be open at Stratford Circus for snacks, light meals and refreshments. You can also try the Theatre Royal bar and Caribbean Scene nearby, or ask us on the day for recommendations and directions for other places in Stratford.

There are dropped curbs and level surfaces from Stratford Station to Stratford Circus. The venue is also wheelchair accessible. Let us know if you need a parking reservation. The Big Bum Jumble welcomes people with learning disabilities. If you have other access needs, please get in touch ( and we'll sort something out.

£2, or £1 concessions. No one will be turned away for lack of money.

Get in free. Got'em? Bring'em.

Big Bum Fashion Fan: Scottee

Who are you?


What sort of things do you like to wear?

Lesbian Clown getup, I'm a bit of a magpie, if it glimmers then I want it. The pic shows me in my fave outfit, my 'Harsh is my Homegirl' small t-shirt.

Whose style do you admire?

Dawn French circa Big Knits and 1647. I love a woman in an oversized smock.

Give us some fat fashion advice!
  • Put your Ebay settings to 'plus size sequin', your life will never be the same again.
  • If it doesn't fit, wear it.
  • If it's too big, wear it.
What would be your dream find at the Big Bum Jumble?

A XXXXXL Lisa Stansfield tour t-shirt or Thunderbirds duvet cover.

What else would you like to say?

I'm so annoyed I'm away in Edinburgh for this! Your now obliged by the fatty community to run these quarterly!

Would you like to be featured in this hallowed spot? Go on, make your mother proud

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Look What Came In: A rather snazzy jerkin

As noted in an early Unskinny Bop zine, the jerkin is the garment of choice for a certain strata of fat people in London. It keeps your body warm whilst allowing your arms to breathe.

This jerkin has a snazzy dogtooth design and can be worn with a shirt or without, for an extra-tough look. Accessorise with a steely glare and hang about in an alley for the full effect.

It's about a size 22/XXL and would look good on anyone, including you.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Bill Savage's Jumble Facts #2

Bill has been running loose amongst the jumble donations and has unearthed some incredible fashion history* to share here for your delectation.

This fine piece of fuschia headgear was donated to the Big Bum Jumble by a retired MI5 agent. While the hat looks exactly like the kind of thing a teary-eyed mother would wear to an offspring’s wedding, it is in fact an incredibly advanced piece of spyware, and has, over the course of the last decade, averted several national security disasters. The hat’s genius lies in the netting which acts to disguise the true identity of the wearer, much like Clark Kent’s geeky specs. It also functions as a radio-wave scanner that intercepts enemy communications on almost any frequency. The elastic chin strap doubles as a garotte for use in emergencies while the head band is lead-lined to prevent penetration of x-rays. The flower decoration houses an advanced GPS system and homing device which can be activated should the wearer be stranded in hostile territory.

The hat has been fully decommissioned and would fit pretty much any sized head.

By Bill Savage

* Some of these facts might need to be corroborated.

Big Bum Fashion Fan: Diana

Who are you?

I'm Diana, a 28-year old photographer from London. I'll be the person with a camera in front of my face at Big Bum Jumble. (Pssst: have a look at Diana's beautiful work on

What sort of things do you like to wear?

My style is somewhere between grungy and glam - as if someone squished Daria and Bettie together. Cute dresses, red lipstick, big boots, vintage bags. I am a sucker for cocktail, prom and sundresses, anything with floral prints and polka dots. I am also completely obsessed with make-up and accessories; giant flowers to detract from messy hair, bright perspex necklaces, retina-scorching eyeshadows. Basically if it's bright, chunky or plastic, chances are I will fall hopelessly in love with it. I've said it before but in my head, I am still essentially a 17-year old with chipped nail varnish jumping around to Hole. Especially when in a photography studio.

Whose style do you admire?

There are so many people out there who have such an incredible look. One of the advantages to living in London is that a bus journey can give you as much inspiration as a catwalk, as the people with the best style are those around you doing their own thing. Bettie Paige, Sophie Dahl, Shirley Manson and Dita are also other ladies who seem to pull it together every time. I can still remember sitting with a copy of the NME at college trying to dissect Manson's eye make-up so that I could recreate it!

Give us some fat fashion advice!

Dress for yourself and have fun with it! The biggest reason why an outfit will fail has nothing to do with the size of your bum, but whether or not you have the confidence to pull it off. Fashion is about having a giggle, and everyday should be treated like you're getting ready to walk the runway with your friends in tow. It's also so important to dress for your shape, and to not hide beneath a sheath of baggy fabric. Waist cinching belts are amazing, and if you're feeling like you need a little support, a corset and a good bra are always there to provide a little help.

What would be your dream find at the Big Bum Jumble?

I will be the happiest girl in the world if I can come away with a few lovely dresses. Tea dresses, cocktail dresses, prom dresses, anything that I can stuff lots of petticoats underneath and twirl around in before stumbling over my boots. Cute screen-printed tees would be brilliant as well. They're always handy to wear in the studio. Anything with dinosaurs and robots. I am a bit of a geek.

What else would you like to say?

If you're shy about having your photos taken, but would love to have some done, get in touch! You don't have to be a model to have beautiful pictures. After all, you'll be wanting to show off all the bargains that you find at Big Bum Jumble!

Would you like to be featured here as a Big Bum Fashion Fan? All you have to do is drop us a line:

Look What Came In: An Amazingly Gorgeous Jacket

Two caveats: a) This gorgeous jacket arrived in a special consignment from Oakland, California, and thus looks a little rumpled in this picture, although a quick air will sort those out soon enough. b)The Big Bum Jumble house model may not be the target wearer of this item either, it's pretty femmey.

Now here's the juice: it's one of two similar jackets, the label says Size 28 and it would fit that size snugly. It's really high quality stuff, lovely fabric and smothered with nice detailing. This jacket would make the right person look as though they were on fire. It's totally smart and would seal any deal any day.

Who's gonna get it?

Thanks Oakland donor!

The Big Bum Jumble Countdown Begins

With ten days to go, it's been a frenzy of activity over at Jumble Towers and it's going to get busier as the day approaches. To give you some idea of what's going on, here's a state of the nation talk with Big Bum chief Kay Hyatt.

How's the Jumble going?

It's going well. I feel a bit overwhelmed with all the stuff I still have to do but I also feel confident that it's all going to happen.

What's going on at the moment?

We just had the Sorting Party where people came round to my house and helped sort stuff into sizes. We also used that time to do the final pick for things for the fashion show and identified top quality items for the Special Rail. Through the collective brain power of the sorting volunteers, we came up with an exciting pricing policy: basically, almost everything is going to be £1. Can you believe it? I am really happy about that.

Yay! What things do you need help with right now?

I'm still busily collecting donations from far and wide. I have a lovely volunteer driving up to Newcastle-upon-Tyne to collect a large donation of clothes. Even though we are doing well on the donations front, I can still use more. If you can arrange a collection in your area and bring it on the day, or contact me to come and get it, that can still happen.

I still need people to be publicising the Jumble wherever they can. I have been handing out flyers in Stratford to shoppers and I'd like to do this again this weekend but I don't have time. This is because I am going to Southend to collect some secret jumble merchandise. I would love it if some people would volunteer to take my place flyering in Stratford on Saturday and Sunday this weekend, and anywhere else they cared to go.

On Saturday night I am going to flyer outside Big Girls Paradise, which is a BBW club. I'd love some company for that too.

Another job for now is that I need help drawing up an official budget for the Jumble. I have applied for a grant towards the room hire from Newham council and they might give it to me but have asked for a detailed breakdown of my costs and anticipated income. Do you have Excel spreadsheet skills? Please get in touch.

What about on the day?

I need people to help set up at 10am and take down at 5pm. I need people to work the door and look out for people trying to nick stuff. I'm also keen to have volunteer 'shopper encouragers' who can pull stuff out of the jumble and encourage others to try things on. Get in touch if you can help.

Do you need to borrow any equipment?

Yes! I could really do with a full length mirror or two. Ideally the type that can stand alone, rather than the type we'd have to prop against the wall. I'm also still trying to work out how to set up a changing area in the room so people can try stuff on. One way to do this would be with folding screens, so if you have one of those, I would be very interested. I promise to look after and return anything you lend me.

What's with the pricing?

We will have a Special Rail, with top quality and vintage things individually priced between £3-£15. There will also be a Denim Bar, where jeans will cost £4. Everything else in the whole Jumble will cost £1. This way you could get a whole new outfit for £3.

What's the fashion show going to be like?

John William from Pigeons & Peacocks is our stylist and the super-talented Bea Sweet is doing the make up. John's just getting on with it, I've seen some of the clothes he has chosen and it is going to be fantastic. John is also customising some of the clothes for the fashion show and all the outfits will be for sale on the Special Rail afterwards.

What stalls are going to be there?

So far, two people have approached me to have their own stalls at the Jumble, Jade and Rae. They will both be selling their good quality clothes at reasonable prices. It's a big room so there is room for more people to rent space if they want. Just drop me a line.

Also, Mark from will be there with a menswear stall and some info about his shop and online business. Mark is really great and has a real passion for meeting the clothing needs of big fat guys.

We'll also be selling badges and taking orders for other Big Bum jumble merchandise.

What sort of refreshments will be available?

I'm not selling any refreshments in the Jumble room but Stratford Circus has a lovely café called Circus Eats that will be open all day. Also, you are free to come and go from the Jumble, there are plenty of places to get food in Stratford. I recommend the Caribbean cafe in the Theatre Royal bar.

What's been the best thing so far?

I think the best thing for me has been the positive comments that I've had from people. It's great to be encouraged by you all. Also, the generosity of people who are giving the Jumble their time and their stuff is really fantastic.

What are you going to wear on the 14th?

Wait and see!

What else do you want to say?

Thanks everyone for all your help and support so far. Keep it up! Come to the Jumble and make it amazing. Love love love!

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Look What Came In: Shell Toes

If you know and care about trainers and have small feet, you will be excited to see this donation. Unfortunately I know nothing about trainers and have gigantic feet but will blunder on regardless in trying to talk these muthas up.

Ok, they're a size 5 Adidas Paris shoe with a fleur-de-lys design and rockin' colours. They're shell toes too, not to be confused with camel toes. They're in good nick and would look great on the end of your legs. They do not smell, which might be a disappointment to some people (remind me to tell you the story of how I once sold some smelly old trainers to a trainer fetishist on eBay).

Who will get 'em on 14 Aug? Amazingly, I still care.


You'll have come to know by now that a commitment to high quality photojournalism is largely absent from the Big Bum Jumble blog, and that I'm perfectly happy if I can bodge something together crappily and make a stupid story out of it.

Hence I bring you: BBJ's debut on The Stratford Circus Jumbotron.

Point one: it's not actually a Jumbotron, it's much smaller, I just like that word and want to use it as much as possible. Jumbotron, Jumbotron, Jumbotron etc.

Point two: I took the picture on my phone. Clearly my phone can't cope with taking a picture of another screen, which is why these pictures have intrusive lines over the screen. Sorry.

Point three: Everything's a bit blurry and wrong because I had to sit through the whole cycle of current announcements on the Stratford Circus not-Jumbotron, which was quite boring, and I got freaked out when the BBJ screens appeared, and fumbled with my phone, and didn't quite do any of it in time. Then I couldn't be bothered to sit through the cycle of announcements again to wait for our screens.

This has all been quite pointless, yet I remain strangely excited that the Jumble is up on the Jumbotron.

Next...watching paint dry.

Monday, 2 August 2010

Look What Came In: Big Bum Jeans

Whilst few would describe the Big Bum Jumble chief and house model Kay as willowy slim, she nevertheless lacks the junk in her trunk to do these jeans justice. Never mind. They will look spectacular on someone who has the requisite chunk to fill 'em up.

They're a size 6XL, they're comfy, worn, and well-loved.

Who will walk away with these beauties on 14 August? Who? Who?

Thanks mystery donor.

The Sorting Party

The Big Bum Jumble got a step nearer at the weekend with the grand sorting party. This was where some lovely Jumblers went through the donations bags and sorted them into size and type. This will make Jumbling easier for people when they come on 14 August. Items were also priced up and paraded around the garden. Yes, important work was carried out.

Look! Look! Lauren of Pocket Rocket Fashion was there too and she posted about it an' all.

We'll tell you about Jumble categories and pricing over the next few days.

We're also still looking for clothes. Here's how to donate.

Meanwhile, here're some pics from the party. Many heartfelt thanks to everyone who came and helped.

Oh dear, piles and piles of clothes

Hurrah, busy bees at work

Part of the denim pile

Bill Savage muscles in on Kay's modelling territory.
Big Bum Jumblers please note that Bill and Kay are not the same person,
even though they are both mannish, specs-wearing chubsters.
Also, neither of them should be mistaken for Ruth and Tamsin of Unskinny Bop.

Order is brought forth from chaos, and everybody retires to the garden for a cup of tea

Guerrilla Marketing: Sublime Juxtaposition

I have no doubt that Cultural Studies professors of the future will write windy academic articles about the sublime juxtaposition of fat/obesity discourse represented by these two posters. Just tell them you saw it here first.

5 ways in which you can help publicise the Big Bum Jumble

There are two weeks to go to the Jumble and we need your help for the final push for publicity.

Here are some of the ways in which you can help.

1. Use the flyers and posters
Download the flyer and poster and print some copies. You can do this on a printer, or you can take one copy to a photocopy place (like a newsagent, a post office, or just sneak some copies off the copier at work) and run some off there. Give flyers to people, or leave a little pile at local places, like cafés, libraries, community centres, pubs, anywhere that people leave flyers. Go to shops and any kind of place you can think of and see if the owners will let you put a poster in the window. Put posters in crazy places, be daring, take pictures and send them to us so that we can stick them on the blog. The first person to put a poster on the railings of Buckingham Palace wins a prize. That is no empty promise.

2. Use your big mouth
Tell your friends. Tell them in person over a cup of tea, call them up and tell them, send them a text about it. Go round to their house and put a note or a flyer through their door, telling them that you bet they'd really enjoy supporting the Jumble. If you have a job, tell your colleagues, even the annoying ones, they will think you are a cool person who does interesting stuff, which of course is true, and your boss will give you a pay rise, ok, maybe not, but you never know. Tell your Facebook friends too, and invite them to join the Big Bum Jumble event page. Use Twitter. Use anything!

3. Take over the media
Tell your local paper and radio station. They will be in the phone book, or you can Google them. Encourage them to have a look at the Big Bum Jumble press release. If you feel brave, present yourself as a Jumbler and invite them to run a story about why you think the Jumble is a great idea. Drop us a line if you need help with this.

4. Link link link
Link to anything you like that has been published here, or that mentions the Big Bum Jumble. Even if it says: "The Big Bum Jumble is a giant waste of time and anyone who likes it is a loser". All publicity is good publicity. You can use the share buttons at the bottom of each post, or Google 'Big Bum Jumble' and see what comes up.

5. Random stupidity
Do something really ill-advised in the name of the Big Bum Jumble. A tattoo, for example, or some kind of performance art. Try not to get arrested.
